How to Clean a Scanpan: Step-by-Step Guide

Scanpan is a brand of cookware that’s earnt itself an army of fans thanks to its durability and excellent non-stick properties. It’s also one of the more expensive brands on the market.

If you’re looking to buy a Scanpan for your own kitchen, it’s important to know how to clean this type of cookware properly. Look after it well, and it’ll look after you for many years to come!

In this article, I’m going to walk you through the process step by step, and provide some tips that can help make cleaning your Scanpan even easier.

(My home cookware guide contains plenty more tutorials and buying tips!)

It All Starts With The Timing

You’ll find it significantly easier to clean your Scanpan if you start the process the moment you’ve finished cooking.

While the pan’s still hot, fill it with cold water from the faucet.

Let It Soak A Little

Even though the water inside will never become more than lukewarm, find somewhere safe for your Scanpan to sit, as the exterior will remain hot for quite some time.

Make sure the handle is pointing away from the edge of the countertop as well. This is one of those tips I picked up at school way back in time, and has stuck with me throughout my cooking career.

Now I’ve got kinds of my own, I don’t think I could leave a saucepan handle hanging over the counter edge if I wanted to!

Scour The Scanpan, But Do So Gently

Empty out your Scanpan, and then place it in the sink. Add a few splashes of gentle kitchen detergent to the pan.

Next, take the green side of a standard kitchen scourer and use it on all sides of the Scanpan, as well as the bottom.

While you’re doing this, make sure to really work the sponge into the contoured sides of the pan.

Don’t scrub too hard, but don’t be afraid to apply a little bit of elbow grease either!

Drying Off & Storing Correctly

I don’t like to air dry my nicer cookware, as letting moisture sit on it is a recipe for rust trouble in the long term.

Instead, grab a clean – and dry – towel, then wipe down the interior and exterior surfaces of your Scanpan. Don’t forget the handle either.

Be gentle but thorough as you dry off all the nooks and crannies.

When it comes to storing your Scanpan, be particularly careful if you’re stacking it with any other cookware. Yours may have come with a fabric separator which can be used to stop cookware items from rubbing up against each other, for example.

These are readily available online, and I consider them an essential purchase if you don’t own a cookware set that’s stackable by design.

Common Questions

Now you know how to clean and care for your Scanpan. It’s pretty easy stuff really, but always worth brushing up (no pun intended) on the basics.

Just to wrap things up I thought it might be useful to answer some of the most common questions people have about this brand of cookware.

Can You Put A Scanpan In The Dishwasher?

The answer to this question is that it depends.

The original Scanpan – released prior to December 2001 – is not dishwasher safe, and so it must be cleaned by hand. Check carefully if you suspect yours is from the old line.

The following models were released after that period, and are dishwasher safe:

  • Classic
  • Professional
  • CTX
  • IQ
  • Induction Plus
  • CSX

Although these newer models are dishwasher safe, Scanpan recommends in its FAQ that you only clean them in the dishwasher on every 3rd or 4th occasion.

This is one of those situations where a little bit of personal TLC goes a very long way.

Can I Use Steel Wool On A Scanpan?

The answer is much clearer here: no! Steel wool or other abrasive cleansers can scratch the non-stick surface of your Scanpan and damage it, making food stick to your pan again.

You should only use a soft sponge or a dish cloth with soap and warm water on your Scanpan – inside and out.

How Do You Fix A Burnt Scanpan?

This typically happens if you overheat the pan, or when fattier substances become charred while you’re cooking them.

If this happens, fill the Scanpan three-quarters full with warm water and then slowly increase the heat towards a gentle boil.

When the water’s simmering, add a tablespoon of washing detergent and let the contents bubble for around 15 minutes.

After that, rinse thoroughly and dry off.

Can You Use Scanpan On High Heat?

Yes! You can use your Scanpan at high temperatures, without risking the integrity of the cookware.

Scanpans are made to withstand very high heat, and they will distribute the heat evenly across its surface for a more even cooking experience.

Can You Use Olive Oil On A Scanpan?

Yes! In fact, both olive oil and rapeseed oil are recommended by the manufacturers.

Both oils have a high unsaturated fat content, which prevents surface burning and makes them ideal for frying.

How Long Will My Scanpan Last?

A Scanpan is a quality cooking pan that will last for decades, if you know how to clean it properly and follow the cleaning instructions as well.

Although it’s hard to pin down a precise number that will apply to every usage scenario, your Scanpan could last up to 25 years with the proper care.

Does Scanpan Have A Lifetime Warranty?

Yes. The warranty of your Scanpan product is actually covered in two different ways.

Manufacturing Warranty: This provides a lifetime warranty on the product and its overall structural integrity. Basically, if you’re happy with your Scanpan it will provide a lifetime of service – or, at the very least, you’ll get a replacement.

Customer Satisfaction Policy: What if you’re just not happy with the results? In this case, the manufacturer will refund or replace it within a year of purchase. This extra support applies only to models released after September 2017.

When Should I Throw Away My Scanpan?

If you don’t want to go to the trouble of exercising the warranty, then I would say the pan is beyond repair once the non-stick surface has been significantly scratched away. It’s easily done if you use metal utensils, for example.

If it’s just a minor scratch, then try scrubbing away at that spot using baking soda and water before giving up on your investment (read the next section for help on how to do this).

Does Baking Soda Ruin Non-Stick Pans?

Good question. Baking soda is very handy for lots of kitchen cleaning jobs. It’s a very safe and non-toxic household cleaner.

The good news is that it won’t damage your Scanpan if you need to use it to remove any stubborn food grime.

Just add cups of water to the pan until the liquid content is around one inch high. Next, add a tablespoon of baking soda for every 2 cups of water you’ve used.

Bring the solution to a boil, simmer for five minutes, then turn off the heat and let the pan rest until it’s completely cooled off.

After that, just empty the pan, rinse thoroughly and give it a good dry.

Is Scanpan Stainless Steel Non-Stick?

Yes. Scanpan uses a proprietary product called Stratanium in the construction of its cookware. This non-stick substance is safe for food preparation, and has been approved for use in cookware by the FDA.