Why Is My Cast Iron Skillet Sticky?

Cooking with a sticky skillet can be no fun at all. It’s messy, fiddly, and can really ruin the food you’ve prepared. 

Unfortunately it’s one of those problems that only gets worse with time. 

Keep cooking using a sticky skillet, and only one thing is guaranteed to happen as you layer on more oil – it gets stickier!

Without a proper, protective layer of seasoning, your skillet will become more susceptible to developing rust over time as well.

Not only will this severely limit the lifespan of your skillet, it will also affect the quality of your food. 

These things are made to last a lifetime, and a little bit of TLC comes with the territory of owning cast iron cookware.

With that in mind, I’ve put together a guide that will cure your sticky skillet problems once and for all!

I’ll cover the likely causes, as well as some tried and tested methods for getting your cast iron cookware back to peak condition.

(Want to learn more about cookware? Take a look through my archive for more guides and reviews.)

A pastry flan with a creamy vegetable filling, inside a cast iron skillet

How Should A Well-Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet Feel?

Before I move onto the causes and cures, it’s worth understanding how your cast iron skillet should feel when it’s been seasoned correctly.

That’ll make it easier for you to troubleshoot the repair process, and understand the warning signs ahead of next time.

A well seasoned cast iron skillet will feel smooth to the touch and have a noticeably bright sheen to it.

Could you also tell there was oil on the material, had you not applied it yourself?

If the answer to that question is “no”, you very likely have a well-seasoned skillet! This is a very simple sense test for when you come to re-season in the future.

Let’s look at some of the problems that can cause a sticky cast iron skillet, and the most useful cures.

Cause #1: Too Much Oil Will Make The Surface Sticky

If you’ve just finished re-seasoning your cast iron skillet and it feels sticky to the touch, this is a simple sign that you’ve used too much oil.

You need a surprisingly small amount of oil to get the job done properly.

The surface of your cast iron skillet is covered in microscopic imperfections, even if they’re not visible to the eye.

The purpose of seasoning is to fill in those pores with oil, but at this scale you really only need a little bit of oil to get the job done.

Many seasoning guides recommend repeating the process several times, and with good reason. It’s much better to use less oil and repeat the process, so you gradually bring the skillet up to the right level of seasoning.

The wrong level of seasoning is, of course, when it’s sticky! Better to work your way up to a smooth finish by smaller degrees instead.

How To Fix It

The best way to get excess oil off a cast iron skillet is to preheat your oven to a very high temperature. Somewhere between 400 and 450 degrees Fahrenheit is the right spot to aim for.

Once the oven has finished heating, turn the cast iron skillet upside down and then place it on the top rack of the oven. 

(You should also place a tray beneath it to catch any drips of oil that fall down. Fail to do this and you’ll just end up adding another cleaning job to your to-do list…)

Leave your cast iron skillet in the oven for around one hour. Once an hour has passed, turn the oven off and then wait at least one hour before attempting to handle the skillet.

What you’re doing here is effectively running another seasoning cycle, albeit without adding any more oil to the process.

If this has worked to some degree – but not completely fixed the problem – go through the process once more.

If the skillet is still sticky after this point though, I would recommend scrubbing it of oil completely and beginning the proper seasoning process all over again.

It’s a pain, but sometimes you just have to roll your sleeves up and do the hard thing to keep your kitchenware happy…

Cause #2: Using The Wrong KIND Of Oil

You can’t just throw any old oil onto a rag and wipe it into your cast iron skillet.

Different oils have different smoking points after all, and you’ll be seasoning your skillet at a very high temperature.

Use the wrong kind of oil and it’s very easy to end up with a messy, sticky finish on your cast iron cookware.

Commonly used oils for doing things right include peanut, coconut and canola oil. These are readily available and pretty inexpensive – certainly compared to some of the pricier oils that are sometimes recommended!

A final word of caution here. If any of your household members suffer from a peanut allergy, bear this in mind before applying it to your cooking equipment. That also applies to any visitors you may be cooking for in the future.

How To Fix It

If you’ve been using the wrong kind of oil, your best approach is to scrub down the cast iron skillet and start again from scratch.

You won’t gain much by trying to layer suitable oil over an unsuitable oil base. It’s far more effective to go for a complete do-over.

Cause #3: Not Seasoning At The Correct Temperature

You can use the correct type of oil and apply it perfectly, but you still need a very high temperature for the oil to bond with the cast iron.

Again, 400-450 degrees Fahrenheit is a good temperature to aim for here. Don’t just fire up the oven and throw your skillet in though. It’s better to wait until the correct temperature has been hit before starting the process.

Just make sure you open a few windows in the kitchen if you can beforehand as this will help with ventilation. 

I would also never leave cast iron cookware seasoning unattended! I tend to be overly cautious in that regard, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.

(On a related point, make sure you heat your cast iron skillet up properly before doing any kind of cooking on it. If you add oil to a cold skillet and then heat it up, you’ll be setting yourself up for a sticky mess.)

Cause #4: Taking Out Your Cast Iron Skillet Too Early

This goes hand in hand with the temperature problem I’ve just highlighted.

It takes time as well as heat for the oil to seal correctly on your cast iron skillet. Take it out too early and the oil won’t have had time to bond fully.

The end result will be a sticky, icky residue remaining on the surface.

There’s simply no quick way of seasoning a cast iron skillet properly. It typically takes around one hour for even a small amount of oil to be applied correctly.

Once that hour’s up, you should wait as long as it takes for the skillet to cool down before handling it.

Check it over carefully. Does it have that smooth feel and bright shine? If it doesn’t, it’s time for another round of oiling and heating.

This is a lengthy process, but it’s part and parcel of working with cast iron cookware. 

It’s much better to have to repeat the process several times, using just a little extra oil each time, in order to achieve the perfect finish.

It’s no task for the impatient I’m afraid. I try to make this part of my general kitchen maintenance routine. There’s quite a lot of downtime between seasoning applications, so you might as well get on with those other chores you’ve been putting off…

An assortment of green and yellow vegetables in a cast iron skillet

Other Questions

There are a few other related questions that often get asked on this subject. In this next section I’m going to answer some of the most common ones.

Can You Season Cast Iron Too Much?

If you over-season a cast iron skillet, you’re effectively going to end up at the problem we started with – a sticky skillet!

So, yes, in that sense you can certainly season cast iron too much. 

It’s a question of performance over durability. Seasoning the skillet too often will just make it harder to use.

That said, it’s easy to get obsessed about seasoning your cast iron cookware. 

As long as you clean it properly after use (see the questions below), and it has that bright yet smooth sheen, your cast iron is in perfectly good condition. Don’t make life any harder than it needs to be.

When Should I Throw Away My Cast Iron Skillet?

The biggest warning sign that your cast iron is beyond repair is when cracks start showing up.

Even those teeny tiny cracks that start off small and thin will eventually expand as you heat the pan over time.

Eventually, the crack will cause a major fault – something you definitely don’t want happening when it’s full of hot food.

A cast iron specialist company may be able to complete a major repair, but at that point it’ll likely prove more economical to simply upgrade and buy a new skillet.

Cast iron’s one of those materials where prevention is always better than cure. Continuous care of your cast iron skillet should result in cookware that lasts a lifetime.

Should You Clean Cast Iron After Every Use?

Yes, I definitely recommend this, but there’s a right way to do it. Just follow these steps and you’ll be absolutely fine.

First, grab a piece of kitchen towel and wipe the interior of the cast iron skillet while it’s still warm. This is to remove the majority of any food and oil that’s present.

Next, rinse the cast iron underneath hot running water and use a non-abrasive sponge or scourer to clean the skillet. If you’re struggling to get the last bits off, then by all means use some standard kitchen detergent too.

Dry the cast iron cookware by hand. Don’t air dry it, as you run the risk of rust building up if it’s left wet for any length of time.

The final step involves heating the skillet on a low heat to get rid of any remaining moisture. 

Add a small amount of oil to the skillet while it’s still on that heat, and then wipe the oil into the surface using paper towels.

Once the surface is smooth and bright once more, with no oil on the surface, let the skillet cool down before putting it into storage.

Can You Use Steel Wool On A Cast Iron Skillet?

The only occasion where you should use steel wool on a cast iron skillet is if you need to remove rust.

It’s just far too abrasive when you’ve given so much care and attention to seasoning it properly!

Once the rust has been removed, it’s important to put the skillet through several cycles of seasoning until it’s back to its proper condition.

Is Black Residue On A Cast Iron Skillet Bad?

This is an inevitable part of cooking with cast iron. Most of the time this is just carbon build-up from cooking over time, and won’t affect the flavor or quality of your food.

If you’re cleaning your cast iron skillet properly (see above), then this should never become problematic.

If it does, give it a proper scrub and then re-season the skillet until it has that smooth feel and bright shine once again.

Does Rust Ruin A Cast Iron Skillet?

Yes, and it goes without saying no one wants to eat a cooked anything with a side-serving of rusty metal!

The good news is that the skillet can be repaired, given enough TLC.

Bon Appetit has some good advice for performing a full restoration of a rusty cast iron skillet. Give the methods listed there a try before giving up on your cookware.

What Can You Not Cook On A Cast Iron Skillet?

There are a few different food types that really aren’t suitable for cooking with a cast iron skillet. Try and avoid working with these ingredients:

  • Particularly Stinky Stuff – Think things like garlic and strong cheeses. These have a tendency to linger in the cast iron, which could prove disastrous depending on the meal you plan to cook next.
  • Delicate Fish – Arguably another smelly food, but certain delicate fish really don’t play nicely with cast iron cookware of any kind. Sometimes you want a charred finish to the underside of a fish. For more delicate fish though, I recommend using a non-stick pan instead.
  • Acidic Ingredients – Tomatoes and citrus fruits are notoriously problematic for cast iron cookware. They not only interact poorly with your skillet’s seasoning, they can also leave an unpleasant after-taste in the final meal. They can also create staining on the skillet, which just means more cleaning work.

I’ll make a final mention for sticky food types like eggs too.

You absolutely can cook these in a cast iron skillet, but don’t even try it until the skillet has seen some action and has a well developed seasoning layer!

The results before that point will be a burned, brown disappointment unless you’re very lucky.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully that’s given you all of the help you need to fix a sticky cast iron skillet, and prevent it from happening in the first place.

Happy cooking!